Since 2010
Facial Fitness
A gym for your face
Fight the signs of ageing such as deep-set wrinkles, droopy features and dull skin tone with a regular facial workout.
Through a set of four classes, Facial Fitness Ireland will provide you with a training routine that is to the face what weight training is to the body.
Available through English, French and Spanish.
Call us now for your first online appointment!

A natural facelift
Regular facial exercise help tighten and tone the muscles of your face, giving you a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Improved complexion
Facial fitness helps improve your overall skin complexion by stimulating blood flow, oxygenation, and distribution of nutrients.

Enhanced Confidence
By enhancing your appearance, the regular practice of a facial fitness routine can boost your confidence and self-esteem.

A 20 minute facial workout 3 times a week can help you take years off your face
Facial fitness is about exercising the many muscles of the face in order to maintain or regain their tone, thereby preventing and even reversing some of the main signs of ageing
Saggy muscles: the forgotten culprit
When talking about ageing, people always mention the usual suspects: sun, alcohol, tobacco, poor diet and genetics. True, these all play a role. However, muscle tone is more seldom talked about, yet by improving it, you can dramatically change your appearance.